Someone Else's Diary is Published!
Of course, I think about my mother's life a lot. Having raised 8 children as a stay-at-home mom, she spent her days figuring out how to feed us on a pauper's salary. Not the greatest housecleaner, she did at least like her laundry done rightl And she was a fabulous cook. But often she would receive gifts for her home, and would "put them away for good." We would never see those items again. Her hoarding reminded me of the scripture to not lay up treasures where moth and rust can destroy but to lay up treasures in heaven.
Her death has sparked in me a desire to acheive, to stretch, to be more than I am. To conceive of ways to reach my not find my treasure moth eaten when I die.
So, I have self published "Someone Else's Diary" Vol 1 and Vol 2 will be released in a couple months.
I pray this book falls into all the hands that the Lord intends, that minds are blessed and hearts are changed through my poor words and efforts.